We Neet You! First mobility for teachers and education experts
Last month BIRA has attended the training Activity on “Needs of NEETs” within the framework of the project “WE NEET YOU”. The project aims to create a transnational network across three countries to reduce NEET and ESL rates, enhancing social inclusion through SDG 8.6. It seeks to improve teachers’ skills by 25% for NEET/ELET support, […]
EDIT – Project Results
The Eco, Digital, Inclusive Tourism Training (EDIT) project has successfully come to an end on the 15th of May 2024. The EDIT project aiming to address the skills gap between current training provision and industry needs in the areas of eco-innovation, sustainability and inclusivity, has been funded by the European Union and involved partner training […]
AI@MEDIATORS – Kick off meeting in Alicante
We are happy to share the success of our recent Transnational Partner Meeting, held in Alicante on the 11th and 12th of July 2024. The meeting was hosted by the esteemed UA – Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d’Alacant and it brought together our dedicated partners from across the globe, all united by a common […]
AI@SMILE – TPM in Oldenburg
The Transnational Partners Meeting, hosted by the University of Oldenburg, was a significant milestone for the project AI@SMILE. The meeting was held in Oldenburg on the 11th and 12th of April 2024. It provided BIRA with the opportunity to meet our partners in person for the first time and engage in discussions about the next […]